Learn What To Expect When You Move Into A Home That Uses Oil For Heat
Posted on: 2 February 2017
If you have recently moved into a home that uses heating oil to heat the house and you have never used heating oil before, you may not know what to do to ensure that you are able to have enough oil to get through the winter. There are companies in your area that sell heating oil and can easily deliver it to your home. The guide below walks you through a few things that you need to know about heating oil.
Look at the Oil Tank Outside of Your Home
The first thing you need to do is look at the tank that is located outside of your home. The large tank is often shaped like a small submarine and should be easy to spot. Take a measuring tape with you to measure it so that you can let the oil supplier know how large the tank is. Once tanks become older any identifying marks that are on them often wear away and make it difficult to know how large the tank is. Measure the length of the tank to establish how large the tank is.
Contact the Local Oil Suppliers
Next, you want to contact a few local oil suppliers to see if any of them have delivered oil to your address before. This will help you establish when it was last filled, how often it is usually filled during the winter, and if the previous homeowners used the same company time after time. If you cannot determine when the oil was last filled, hire the company you feel most comfortable with to bring oil to your home.
Understand that the Delivery Trucks Are Large
When the company sends a delivery truck to your home, the truck will be large. You need to be sure that the truck has a clear path to the tank so that they can easily fill it. Move all vehicles, trash cans, and debris away from the tank for easy access.
Decide If You Want the Tank to Be Filled Completely or Not
Finally, you need to decide if you want the tank to be filled completely or partially. Filling a tank completely can be quite expensive and if you do not have the funds readily available, you can opt for only half of the tank to be filled at a time rather than the entire tank.
After your tank is full, you should not have to refill it for some time. If you notice that the gauge on the outside of the tank gets low within a few weeks or even a few months, you may have a leak. You need to contact the delivery company right away and they can send out a technician to look at the tank and determine if there is a leak.
For more information, contact a professional in your area or visit a website like https://www.cashoilco.com/.