Addressing Industrial Fire Needs With Brick Coating And Alarm Monitoring

Posted on: 13 March 2019


Industrial businesses are known for operating around the clock and often using materials that create potential fire risks. Because of this, managing the fire risks allow you to protect your industrial business and make sure that you're minimizing damage. If you want to get what is best from your industrial company and protect the structure and the people that work there, use these guidelines. 

Fortify your building so that it is less likely to get overtaken by fire

Simply put, the more durable your building, the less likely it is to experience serious fire damage. The materials of the building provide an ever-important first line of defense. When you're considering building an industrial plant from the ground up, this is the perfect opportunity to build it with modern fire specifications in mind. 

For instance, building with fire brick allows you to dramatically reduce the risk of fires throughout your building. This fire brick is unique because it can withstand temperatures greater than 3,000 degrees. Not only does this protect your building and prevent it from being engulfed by fire, but it also buys your employees and staff time to exit to safety. 

If you have an existing structure that wasn't initially built with industrial fire brick, you also have the option of adding an industrial brick refractory coating. The better you coat and protect your building, the more immediate fire protection potential you'll have. Be sure that you consult with your insurance policy after getting this sort of structural work done. It can significantly reduce your premium rates and open you up to other potential areas of saving. 

Double down on your industrial brick refractory coating with alarms and other measures

It's also crucially important to install systems that can protect people and your building interior from fire damage. Start with an industrial fire alarm coupled with a fire suppression system so that you can stop the flames and smoke as they first start to break out. These systems can also call fire dispatch so that they'll be on their way at the first sign of trouble. 

You'll need to get estimates on industrial fire systems to make sure you are only buying the best for your particular business. Make sure to also include carbon monoxide monitoring to keep the people that work inside safe. 

Follow these tips so that you can get the best from your industrial fire protection needs.